Prayer and Care

What is a Practitioner?

LICENSED SPIRITUAL PRACTITIONERS help individuals use affirmative prayer and other spiritual tools to affect change in their lives. They help you anchor the Truth in your personal consciousness, whether you’re facing challenges or celebrating successes. They support you in creating healthy, vibrant, fulfilling lives. Practitioners strive to heal themselves and others through the recognition of...

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Our Practitioners

Richard Huston, RScP

Richard Huston, RScP

Richard’s Personal Mission Statement:“To open myself and others to the good that is available all the time.” Richard Huston, RScP has been a Science of Mind member for last 22 years, became a practitioner in 2014, and has served on the board of trustees for CSL Santa...

Gina Alicea, MFA, M.Ed, Th.M

Gina Alicea, MFA, M.Ed, Th.M

Gina Alicea is a well-known artist, educator, and curator with over thirty years of experience. Gina has three masters; Master of Fine Arts, Master in Education, Masters of Theology. She received the Excellence in Teaching award from the University of Chicago...

Cindy Geisler, RScP

Cindy Geisler, RScP

Cindy Geisler was born and raised just outside Boston, Massachusetts.  In 1972, she earned a B.S. degree in Social Welfare at Florida State University.  Upon moving to Fort Lauderdale, Cindy began studying Metaphysics, attending services and classes at the Fort...

Elaine Silver, RScP

Elaine Silver, RScP

“Faerie” Elaine Silver became an active member at The First Church of Religious Science, Morristown, NJ (now Center for Spiritual Living Morristown) in 1993 when she began a decades-long study of the Science of Mind and Spirit.  After moving to Florida in 2000,...

Ethelyn Enos, RScP

Ethelyn Enos, RScP

Ethelyn Enos, RScP Ethelyn, “Ethy”, has been a Spiritual Practitioner with CSL Cultural Coast since August 1, 2020. She has realized the Power of the Science of Mind philosophy in her conscious use of mind and Universal Law in her life and the lives of everyone she...

Ron Frost, RScP

Ron Frost, RScP

Ron’s Personal Mission Statement: To be a positive and uplifting presence in the world and to help others discover their innate purpose, shine their light, and realize their own unique spiritual magnificence! Growing up I never completely fit in with traditional...

Nichole Leeds, RScP

Nichole Leeds, RScP

Nichole’s Personal Mission Statement: To continually grow and learn, not just spiritually but in every way. To find my niche of service within the Center for Spiritual Living Sarasota community and beyond. To support my Sr. Minister as well as my fellow practitioners...

Jim Grove, RScP

Jim Grove, RScP

Jim’s Personal Mission Statement:To continually evolve spiritually and contribute to the spiritual transformation of world consciousness through the regular practice of universal spiritual principles and service to others. Having grown up in traditional Christianity...

Julie Burch, RScP

Julie Burch, RScP

It is my pleasure and honor to help you expand your awareness of the true wonder that you are at your core and to assist you in co-creating the life you want to be living. My journey has taken me through Christianity, Buddhism, being a Unity Chaplain and now an SOM...

Kathleen Frankart, RScP

Kathleen Frankart, RScP

Kathleen’s Personal Mission Statement:To deepen my spiritual awareness, understanding and practices with unwavering commitment and devotion; to be of service to others requesting spiritual support and prayer; to strive for continuing unfolding and recognition of my...

Treatment for Joy and Happiness

I know that there is one Infinite power for Good, one Infinite Source of Divine power and Joy. That Source, Divine Energy, God, takes form and Expresses as all good things. Source as the flowers blooming in fabulous color, the birds in the trees, the lovely scents of...

Treatment for Knowing Self-Esteem

I know that there is One Presence and One Power, the Spirit behind and the Source of everyone and everything that exists. It is the Infinite One which lovingly creates, maintains and sustains all. Right here and right now, I am absolutely one with this Presence and...

Treatment for Peace

The purpose of this Spiritual Mind Treatment is to release anxiety, unease, and nervousness and express Spirit's perfect pattern of deep peace in life. There is only Spirit and there is only Spirit's perfect pattern operating through the Universe. Spirit is Love,...

Treatment for Harmonious Relationships

There is One Life, One Love, One Power, One Presence, One Perfection active in, as and through all of Life. It is the Givingness of Life to itself through its creation and that activity — by any name — is the activity of my life now. As its creation I am aligned with...

Treatment for Health and Healing

Turning consciousness to the One Life, the Life of the Creator, the Source of all Life, this dynamic Presence is continuously and spontaneously supplying the activity of Perfect Health. Divine Nature supplies all of Its creation with the Power of Self-awareness. All...

Treatment for the Free Flow of Money and its Right Use in My Life

There is one Life, one Power, one Presence expressing Itself in physical form as the entire universe. It lovingly gives of Itself completely to Its creation without any conditions or reservations. As an individual expression of this Source of All, I am one with It and...

Treatment for Increased Creativity

There is only one Supreme Mind, Intelligence, Spirit, Creator, God or whatever name one chooses to use for the One that is, as, and through all that exists. The One Intelligence expresses Itself creatively through everything organic and inorganic by manifesting...