Treatment for Health and Healing

Turning consciousness to the One Life, the Life of the Creator, the Source of all Life, this dynamic Presence is continuously and spontaneously supplying the activity of Perfect Health. Divine Nature supplies all of Its creation with the Power of Self-awareness. All...

Treatment for Harmonious Relationships

There is One Life, One Love, One Power, One Presence, One Perfection active in, as and through all of Life. It is the Givingness of Life to itself through its creation and that activity — by any name — is the activity of my life now. As its creation I am aligned with...

Treatment for Peace

The purpose of this Spiritual Mind Treatment is to release anxiety, unease, and nervousness and express Spirit’s perfect pattern of deep peace in life. There is only Spirit and there is only Spirit’s perfect pattern operating through the Universe. Spirit...

Treatment for Knowing Self-Esteem

I know that there is One Presence and One Power, the Spirit behind and the Source of everyone and everything that exists. It is the Infinite One which lovingly creates, maintains and sustains all. Right here and right now, I am absolutely one with this Presence and...