The purpose of this Spiritual Mind Treatment is to release anxiety, unease, and nervousness and express Spirit’s perfect pattern of deep peace in life.
There is only Spirit and there is only Spirit’s perfect pattern operating through the Universe. Spirit is Love, Peace, and Joy expressing completely and perfectly behind all that exists.
Since there is only Spirit, I know that I am one with Spirit. I know that I am one with Spirit’s perfect pattern of Love, Joy, and Peace expressing completely and perfectly through my life. I know for whoever reads and uses this prayer, that person is one with Spirit, one with Spirit’s perfect pattern of Love, Joy, and Peace and that Peace is expressed beautifully and completely in life.
There may be times when anxiety and unease seem to appear. There may be feelings of unease and nervousness. I know that the truth behind those feeling is Spirit’s perfect pattern of Peace.
I affirm and recognize Spirit’s perfect pattern of Peace. I am open to it, I know it, and I accept it.
I am grateful that that is the truth in Spirit’s universe and in my life. I release this Spiritual Mind Treatment, knowing it is so, and so it is.