Your support is greatly appreciated.
You may use any one of the following four ways to support this ministry. If you are paying for a class, please make note of that in the comment section, so we can keep track of the accounting. Many Blessings.
Please join us in our Affirmation of Abundance, written by Dr. Ernest Holmes, Living the Science of Mind, p. 339
Good and more Good is mine.
An ever-increasing Good is mine.
There is no limit to the Good that is mine.
Everywhere I go I see this Good, I feel It, I experience It.
It crowds Itself against me, flows through me,
expresses Itself in me and multiplies Itself around me.
CLICK the PAYPAL link below:
Mail a check
8350 Bee Ridge Road #250
Sarasota, FL 34241
Text to Give
Text any amount to (941) 413-2060
Our text giving number is live and ready to receive your donations. Simply text the amount you’d like to give to this number. First time givers will be prompted to provide their payment method via a secure web page.