Gina Alicea, MFA, M.Ed, Th.M

Gina Alicea is a well-known artist, educator, and curator with over thirty years of experience. Gina has three masters; Master of Fine Arts, Master in Education, Masters of Theology. She received the Excellence in Teaching award from the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools in 2015, where she currently teaches. She served on the Advisory Committee to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, when he was the CEO of the Chicago Public Schools.

Ms Alicea has been curating exhibitions, leading workshops and gallery talks since the early 90’s. She is well versed in audience engagement that asks the viewer to ponder new ideas and inspires change in the world. Her latest project was curating an exhibition entitled “Seeing the Other” based on the work of Daniel Epstein’s “Portraits in Faith” documentary project.  Currently, she is the curator of the Corvus Gallery at the University of Chicago.

Ms Alicea is a renowned practicing and exhibiting artist. She has created large-scale commissions for the Institute of Cultural Affairs and the Centers for Spiritual Living. She has participated in artist residency and exchange programs in Japan, Spain, Kenya, Tanzania, and Costa Rica. View her work at:

Ms Alicea is a licensed Spiritual Practitioner through the Centers for Spiritual Living and a ministerial graduate from Emerson Theological Institute. She has taught classes and workshops called Painted Prayers, The Creative Power of the Mind, Art as Spiritual Practice, and Visioning meditation. She has authored a book entitled “Painted Prayers”, found here

Last name: Ah-lee-say-ah